I’m a healer, specialising in complex trauma expression. I offer a pathway into deep acceptance of the self and a reconnection back into the body system. I help stuck-ness become freedom and liberation.
Some examples of the types of “stuck-ness” and key areas that I look at in my work:
Creating the same destructive dynamics within relationships over and over again.
Dysfunctional relational dynamics between family members – siblings or parents.
Distortions around fully accepting one’s sexuality, in gay and bisexual individuals.
Addictive or compulsive behaviours, including hyper-sexualisation in gay men.
Repeated patterns of behaviour that persist within family lines.
Not feeling in control of one’s thoughts, behaviours or actions.
Body-based anxiety, low-mood or depressive disorders.
Dis-embodiment and dissociation from the body.
The need for constant self improvement vs actual healing.
Healing happens through acceptance. Not through obsessive forms of self-improvement. In today’s “wellness” world we are bombarded with constant messaging regarding how we must continually try to improve ourselves. This is unhelpful and creates resistance within the individual.
What I’m offering is a form of energetic healing / facilitation which tends to work when other interventions have failed. People often come to me when all other avenues have been exhausted.
I refer to myself as a healer or a facilitator when asked what it is that I do. I help to facilitate change within you, through acceptance, and the work is carried out by you. I’m not a therapist.
I offer a specifically held and contained environment for you to be able to unravel unhelpful behavioural patterns and imprints that are held within and expressed throughout your mind and body systems.
This contributes towards a deeper congruence between your mind / body / spirit complex. If the word spirit doesn’t sit right with you, simply see it as a connection to something greater than yourself.