Rather than define the exact process for how I work, I thought it would be more effective to pose a series of answers to questions that often come up in the exchange when a new client is interested in starting to work with me. Further questions or queries can be addressed in the free intro call.
Can I work with you face to face?
I’m based between South Africa, Greece and the UK. If you have a preference for working face to face, we can discuss this when we initially connect. However pretty much all of my work is delivered remotely.
We’re often going to be working through tender material and it’s a lot more effective for you and your body to be in a comfortable and safe environment, where you can allow yourself to relax completely.
Post working, you may want to lie down, take a stroll in nature or simply be with yourself. If you have to travel across a busy city, drive your car or cycle a bike, it’s going to interrupt your integration and could create a feeling of overwhelm for your nervous system.
How many sessions will I need?
This completely depends on you and what it is that you’re bringing with you to work on.
We’re all unique and the way that we hold our experiences is also unique. I might be the first person you’re speaking to, or you may have already worked on aspects of yourself with other practitioners, using different therapeutic modalities.
After our initial session, we’ll make a plan for how we’re going to engage going forward.
What does a session look / feel like?
As we’re all so unique, what we need when it comes to therapeutic input, is also completely unique. However there’s a general format for how I’m running the session.
When we open, we’ll start with a somatic awareness practice (a meditation of sorts) to help us come into a resonant connection with each other. From there we’ll discuss why you’ve come to see me and what’s live and active. From that initial interaction, I’ll know where to start.
I’ll ask you questions and as you respond and come into connection with where in your body you’re experiencing sensations or feelings, I’ll get pointed at where I need to focus. We’ll look at both inherited and personally created patterning / imprinting that is causing you disharmony and creating imbalance within your life.
I’ll use statements and give you language to say out loud, which helps to bring what is being held unconsciously, into the conscious and brings peace and resolution to the specific energetic imbalances that have surfaced during our interaction.
Typically, the energy that is being held by you, within your system, will map into me and then be processed by my system. I might yawn, have a strong release of breath, or shake and tremor, as I allow the imprint or pattern to have its full expression within me.
We’ll move slowly and take as much time between pieces of work as we need.
How am I going to feel afterwards?
No one (however experienced they are) is going to be able to tell you exactly how you’re going to feel after any piece of therapeutic intervention - whether it’s more traditional talking therapy, acupuncture, TRE / Somatic Experiencing or even if you're seeing a doctor and taking a standard pharmaceutical medicine. This is the nature of the body and how we hold our experience within it.
You may feel tired, experience pain in the body, feel nauseous or have trouble sleeping after a session of work. Everything that you’re experiencing is part of your individual process.
Is there anything that I need to do between sessions?
You simply need to be present to your experience as you allow the energy that you have been holding, to reshape itself inside you.
I may give you some simple exercises and I’ll often send you specific pieces of music that will help with your individual process.
Music is an incredibly powerful tool to aid your healing and I’ve spent years collating playlists and individual tracks that work specifically alongside the energetic work that I’m delivering.
I don’t know anything about my genealogy, is that a problem?
Not at all. We’re working with the imprinting and patterning that you’ve inherited energetically. I’ll be sensing into what remains unresolved or what is needing to be seen and included, not corroborating narratives and stories that already exist within your family system.
How does this work remotely, don’t we need to be face to face?
No. I don’t need to be sat across from you, in order to be able to facilitate work for you. I’m not doing hands on bodywork.
I’m working energetically and my body is directly mapping what is being held by you, within the energetic fabric of your mind / body / spirit complex.
We can discuss more about how this works, when we initially connect.